Conserving Wild Wonders:
The Institute’s Pond Restoration Design Study

A comprehensive design study that will support the restoration of an
approximately one-acre pond, aesthetically and functionally, in support of future educational, conservation, and recreational activities.

Our beautiful pond is a prominent feature of our nature center campus. It’s teeming with life, but currently suffering from bank erosion, a breech through the north pond wall, accumulation of nutrients and inadequate circulation.
This project will provide us with the information needed to proceed with the construction phase of a project that will help us conserve this incredible Wild Wonder for enjoyment by our community well into the future!


UPDATE: The Pond Restoration Design Study is complete.
Click on the image below to see our “Success Story” project summary!


Feasibility Study—completed phases include:

i. Wetland Study Update

ii. Site Visit/Inspection (Geotech and Civil)

iii. Report of Findings and Recommendations

Construction Plans

i. Survey of Details (completed)

ii. Grading and Erosion Control Plans

iii. Hydrology and Hydraulics Study and Report

iv. Chapter 105 Permit Impact Plan (if needed)

Work is underway on the Pond Restoration Project. We will update this page with photos and information on the various phases.

Wetland Delineation Study

Please CLICK HERE to see photos and read about Triad Engineering’s site visit and work on the Wetland Delineation Study.


In addition to fish, a variety of animals call our pond home. Photos taken by Institute faculty member, Dave Graff.