Our series of StoryWalk® Sunday adventures for kids continues…
The story posted on the StoryWalk® trail at Pine Hill Park changes monthly, and a special story event accompanies each one on the second Sunday of each month. This month’s StoryWalk® Sunday is the perfect way to prepare for a beautiful Thanksgiving celebration.
Kids will join a guided walk along the story trail as they read the book, then make a special craft project to take home.
The featured storybook for November is “I Am Thankful,” by Sheri Wall.
This rhyming storybook follows three different families as they celebrate the holiday with their own traditions, acts of kindness, and ways of giving back. Kids learn how to be thankful for the people and world around them. Beautiful and colorful illustrations show diverse families and exciting Thanksgiving adventures, underscoring the meaning of giving and sharing.
The event is FREE, but pre-registration is required by November 10. To register, email to: [email protected] or call 717-762-0373. Limited to 20 children.
Children in grades K–5 may be dropped off and picked up at 3 p.m. All families are welcome, but activities are geared for preschool and elementary age kids.
Stay tuned for future StoryWalk® Sundays!
Current Covid safety guidelines are being followed.
Pine Hill’s StoryWalk® trail, an Institute project, was funded in part by Summit Endowment, Marge Kiersz and Rouzerville Business Association, with in-kind support from Washington Township, Hopewell Manufacturing, Waynesboro Area School District “Be the Village,” and Alexander Hamilton Memorial Free Library.
Additional support is from The Institute’s Today’s Horizon Fund contributors: The Nora Roberts Foundation; The John R. Hershey Jr. and Anna L. Hershey Family Foundation; Alma W. Oyer; the Carolyn Terry Eddy Family: Carolyn, with daughters Connie Fleagle & Kim Larkin, and an anonymous donor, in honor of the life and work of Eunice Statler. Facility support courtesy of Washington Township.
The StoryWalk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with the Kellogg-Hubbard Library. StoryWalk® is a registered service mark owned by Ms. Ferguson.